The course includes three written examinations:
Formally, the midterm does not count as an examination but as an examination prerequisite. This means that it is open for every participant of the course and that there is no registration in HISPOS for the midterm.
Participation in the midterm and a minimum of 50% of the tutorial points are required to participate in the endterm or re-examination.
The endterm and the re-exam are two seperate and independent examination attempts (with seperate registration in HISPOS). Students can take the first one, the second one, or both, but if they take both, these count as two examination attempts (out of a total of three examination attempts permitted for the module).
For both the endterm and the re-exam, participants have to register at least one week before the exam. In general, the registration happens via the HISPOS system; exceptions are listed below. (Registration for exams is possible from approx. end of November.)
If you are a student of Business Informatics, VSIMint, Master IT and Law, Bachelor-Plus MINT, or an Erasmus or guest student, you cannot register via HISPOS. Please contact the lecturer via e-mail if you want to take the exam (at least one week before the exam).
If you are a student of BSc Computer Science (English), BSc Cybersecurity (English), or MSc Cybersecurity, you can currently not register via HISPOS. We hope that this will change before the exams start.
The total grade for the endterm or re-exam is the weighted average of the grades of the exam itself and the midterm:
For passing, the weighted average must be better than 4.1. In particular, the following combinations of results are sufficient for passing:
For all examinations, participants must bring the following items with them: Student card; passport or identity card; pen, stylus or pencil.
All examinations are "open book": Participants are allowed to bring with them any written material. Loose sheets must be marked by the owner's name. We recommend to carry with you in particular the slide copies and the tutorial exercises and solutions. (As a rule of thumb, if you have never used a certain book for the tutorials, then it is unlikely to be useful to you during the exam.)
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, calculators, are not permitted.